Thursday, 6 September 2012

Grammar and Granny-chic.

Hello digital world. If you have viewed any of my prior posts;  you may have noticed that I lack grammatical elegance. As an (not: a) English Literature and Creative Writing student (hope my choice of capitalisation was correct there (not their or they're) I felt it necessary to try and swat up on my subordinate conjunctions, modifiers, adverbial phrases and, (admire that Oxford comma there) all that jazz. My life saver so far has been a fantastic little book, called: ''My Grammar and I (or should that be 'Me'?)'' It is packed with all the essential knowledge and gives nods to other grammatical swats, yet is filled with humour and mocking of grammar itself (wahoooo), it features quotes from Winnie the Pooh to Winston Churchill. I recommend it to anyone who, like me, needs to sharpen their grammar. I know my grammar wont instantly improve; but I am definantly more aware already of what is considered elegant/messy writing. I even have a bit of a crush on the Semi-colon; it's so neat (Jesus Christ I know)!

Anyway, I have a gorgeous vintage- real leather handbag, for sale (See above). I bought it from a charity shop in Berwick-Upon-Tweed, inside it smelt like old lady, but I fixed this issue by placing an incense stick inside for a week. It's a lovely brown leather with an inner zipper pocket (always handy). It has a clasp closing that is shaped like a little bow, adding a cute touch. This little gem will add a touch of vintage class to any outfit. Obviously given its age it has generally been worn down on the gold corner detail, alas as it is real leather the bag is in bloody excellent condition and will last forever (things never used to be made as a fad fashion aka primark- get it one week, next its knackered) this purchase will last you a lifetime and I guarantee a timeless piece like this will never be out of fashion (Unless you yourself, are a fad).

Cant get more genuine than that!
Here's the link: Almost forgot
On Saturday I will be attending a Music Reviewing masterclass, held by Laura Snapes. Until I have gained this new knowledge I can only say this: below is a track by Arcade Fire called Wasted Hours. It is a melancholy song with a chirpy beat that is sure to strike a chord with most of you. The entire album 'The Suburbs' holds these connotations: waiting, regret, time, wishing, longing. This track echoing this theme with lines like: 'our time it owns us now' 'kids in buses longing to be free'.
See, that didn't really make sense did it? But I hope you know, sort of, where I am coming from. Just have a listen.  Other tracks definitely worth a listen are: Suburbs II (Mountains beyond mountains), Modern Man, City with no children and, The Suburbs.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Fred Perry

Just another blaggy blog trying to sell whoever is reading it something... really though im selling a white, dark blue/light blue twin tipped Fred Perry! It was a rare find in a rather strange shop which also sold mops and dog beds in Newbiggin near the seaside. I only own one fred perry myself, it was an ebay purchase and is dark green with a zipper instead of buttons. Even it doesnt fit me very well due to my (ahems). This is why im selling on this lovley white one. see below -

A Fred Perry is a wardrobe must have for everybody who wishes it was the sixties (me), wear tucked into a pencil skirt to acheive a more sexy sixties femine look. Or if you want go for a more skinhead 'Lol' from 'this is england' look and wear with black skinnys and Doc Martins. Here the link....
Another thing i will share is a lovely little band that i haven't listened to for ages but have the SUDDEN URGE to listen to... Belle and Sebastian, even the names cute! it is quite an embarrassing tale how i came to know of them. It all started with a book, 'Diary of a Crush'.Which is quite embarrassing to say but again i have a SUDDEN URGE to read it now, if you have not read it, and you are a teenage girl.You should. The book now i think of it has influenced other aspects of my life.For example i know have my mam saved as 'mothership' in my phone, just like Edie calls her mam in it... How we pick things up! anyway, enough of all that. Watch the vid! Also check out 'piazza new york catcher'  it is my favourite bus journey song, once you listen you will hear why.
Another shameless Fred Perry pic of me trying to force my goods on the poor Internet world.

Just in case you couldn't find it, i couldn't bare that, you have to listen to it.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Jubilee fashion(!), (belated)

This year has been a very patriotic one. I think everyone is feeling proud to be British what with the lovely Queens diamond jooby and the Olympics and the paralympics. Oh wait, i must express my confusion as to why the olympics was ended and opened so grandly and officially, what about the paralmpics? It better be getting as big, or a deserved bigger in my opinion set of ceremony's! I feel the devotion shown by the paralympians is unmatchable, i have so much respect and admiration for them. What a beautiful example they are setting, so powerful.

On the Queens jubilee, as a Royalist and lover of the Queen and all her family i attended a family jubilee BBQ and watched the ceremony on the telly beforehand... I decided to go for a patriotic 1950's sort of look -


^I am wearing a Henry Holland shirt (very loud I know!)^
 and a Matalan skirt, which after this event i must admit i took back to the shop...should i be admitting that? i just didn't feel confident in it! But it did do my outfit criteria justice on this occasion. And New Look vintage looking shoes, i loved these but with general wear and tear (and my clumsy rambles) the little heels are inverted! Bless them! I also had primark seamed tights on but alas you cannot see.


Thursday, 23 August 2012

Pin up girl dress for sale!

I've just been reading posts on the blog and wow, the photos...the effort, this is only my second post! I can partly but not exactly blame this on a little family holiday to the historic and rainy Berwick upon tweed. While there i picked up a few vintage peices that im putting up for sale on ebay, please have gander on Swan Vintage ebay !

This first item is a gorgous navy pin up girl, wiggle/pencil dress. The buttons are all engraved with a lions face wich is a lovley little detail. The belt is removable and made from the same fabric as the dress (I will just go and read the label to see what this mystery fabric is...) 100% polyester and is lined with acetate. The label only says 'together' so i presume this to be the brand, just googled it and quite a few vintage 'together' dresses came up so there you go! About the size... well i am a size 10, when bought the dress was said to be size 'medium' and i must say this sums it up as my mam (size 14) tried it on, and it fitted well. So from 10 to 14 is the size limit.

Just look at this lovley back detail! Cut out pannels are so modern that i was fooled to for a moment think it was a modern remake!

Just a non essential face shot, the head tie shown is also a vintage peice that is going up for sale. Right, ive finished the ebay listing here goes the link: lovley link for a lovley dress
Now i have my lovley horse from father ted stuck in my head! i want to shower you with sugar lumps and take you to the lovley horse my lovley horse!

To conclude i must make an admission, i have about five times tried to add a pictues of some burgers on our bbq. The dedication has failed and a little white box with a red cross comes up. who told the computer about my new healthy eating regime?! (which wont last till after ive posted this and decided what to make for dinner). Another thing: from the start of this post ive been wondering what that awful biscuity smell is, its been making me sick. Its a choclate digestive. Glad thats sorted out. Thankyou and goodbye!

Ps. for anyone who thought 'what the hell' when i mentioned my lovley horse: My lovley horse <

oh...the burgers decided to make an appearance!

Sunday, 12 August 2012


I'm a little out of my depth trying to make a blog, the site is confusing me and the amount of options leaving me slightly wary of what I'm doing. Anyway, this is my first post and so I should introduce myself and what I plan to do. I'm an English literature and Creative writing student with an interest in vintage fashion (especially 50s/60s) and music. So I intend to write about these things and other topical issues and personal (but publishable) dramas. Along my way I will be putting up vintage items i find for sale, as my cupboard is already bursting at the seams... (my clothes jump out to say hello when i open it). And as many say, waste not want not and all that.

The following video is a track by Muddy Waters called 'I can't be satisfied'. I thought I'd post it because I feel music was better and had more soul when it came from the heart and a working hand. Looks sell these days, artists don't have to be amazing singers or writers. I think it just shows what a plastic image focused world we live in. So make yourself a cuppa, peel your ears and listen to something from somewhere that counts.